finished four subjects now left one to go.... FOA !! hate accounts so much but no matter how i must gambateh must pass this subject so that accounts will be extinct hahaha XD
went to genting highlands yesterday with ₭ίɱ for the 1st time ^^ actually wanted to watch the 4D but the queue is soo long so we decided to play outdoor theme park rides only... we even went to the snow world ◕‿‿◕ hope we can go to Japan 1 day to see real snow together ^^ had a lot of fun with him.... hope we could go again 1 day~~
did not go for classes today... decided to stay at home have enough of rest and finally my flu recovered :) went to college this morning...super early !! 6.30am start go... just to get a car park ==" 6.30am already full of people waiting n queue up.. luckily i get to pass up the parking form... i'm so sick of this...i might need to repeat this again next year :(