my fun Japan trip finally over
currently still awaiting for my part time job to be confirmed
hmm..getting more and more bored
but lucky i found this movie 醉後決定愛上你 ♥
there's a part where it reminds me of someone who just treated me almost the same as the bad guy
being nice but it's actually just a fake mask on his face
nevermind~ i will never forget that
i will forever remember how bad you were
worst than my previous guys seriously
at least they gave me happiness once
oh well
forget about that haha
it's just some nonsense thing which i don't want to keep in my heart anymore
i find it wasting the spaces in my heart
so i just write everything here
and i seldom tell anyone how i really felt about it
so forgive me for saying all this
i can't wait to finish this movie
every episode making me excited to continue watching
just love it =]
here is the ending song from yan jue ~
love it too ^^